Lina Khan Explains the F.T.C.’s Aggressive Strategy | DealBook Summit 2023

So these are market wide rules that we've issued on areas like non-compete junk fees . I think big picture success for us looks like making sure the public knows that the FTC is in their corner fighting for them against illegal business . How much of your business then is about deterrence , meaning that nobody even does the deal because they're too scared to bring it to you .

Lina Khan Explains the F.T.C.’s Aggressive Strategy | DealBook Summit 2023

Uh Really excessive consolidation and concentration now looks to be a systemic feature of our economy rather than isolated . And after saying that he charged both the FTC , the DOJ but really agencies across the board with reinvigorating our competition tools and making sure that consumers , workers , businesses , uh innovation , our democracy are all better positioned . Once we have more competition , how much do you think that you have to be a crystal ball , um sort of uh looking down what's going to happen and how much do you worry that you'll be wrong ?

Lina Khan Explains the F.T.C.’s Aggressive Strategy | DealBook Summit 2023

What does it mean to win for you in your role ? So look , the Federal trade Commission has an incredibly important job , right ? We're the main cop on the beat uh for unfair methods of competition or unfair deceptive acts or practices across a huge chunk of the economy .

Lina Khan Explains the F.T.C.’s Aggressive Strategy | DealBook Summit 2023

Do we need competition enforcement of competition or is it time to redesign the government and merge those two agencies ? It's an interesting question and you know , the FTC is not just a competition agency but also consumer protection agency , but on the competition front , I mean , obviously there are areas where the Antitrust division and the FTC overlap , but there are also really important ways in which they differ . So the Antitrust division has criminal enforcement authority which we at the FTC .

Lina Khan Explains the F.T.C.’s Aggressive Strategy | DealBook Summit 2023

So the Antitrust division has criminal enforcement authority which we at the FTC . Don't the ftc's authorities are actually broader than what the doj enforces . So we have something called our unfair methods of competition authority which extends beyond the four corners of the Sherman Act or the Clayton Act .